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5.0 (4 ratings)
Language: English
Instructors: Nandhini S
Validity Period: 30 days
Why this course?
If you are a java programmer and want to become a full-stack java developer this is right platform to learn java full stack developer. In this full stack Java Course , you will learn core Java concepts , HTML concepts , JDBC, servlets and how to build some applications using Java.
Total Duration: 25 Hrs Modules: 4 Assignments: 8
Capstone Project: 1
Module 1: Java Introduction , Core Java Concepts
Module 2: HTML , Servlets
Module 3: MySQL , JDBC
Module 4: Java Applications
Module 1: Java Introduction , Core Java Concepts
Lesson 1: Java Programming – Fundamentals(3 Hrs)
Java – Introduction - Installation - Variables - Identifiers – Datatypes – Classes and Objects – Java Comments – Single line Comments, Multi line Comments – Loops – Different Types of loops - Decision Making Statements- Ternary operator , switch statement , Arrays and Methods in Java.
Assignment 1: Factorial of a Number
Assignment 2: Write a program to input n numbers on command line argument and calculate maximum of
Lesson 2: Java – OOPS Concepts(3 Hrs)
Java Package - Access Modifiers - Java Strings,- String Methods-Inheritance -Method Overloading -Method Overriding-Java – Type Casting - Abstract Class Interface-Java Package -Access Modifiers- Encapsulation- Wrapper Class-Java Regular Expressions-Exception Handling .
Assignment 3: Currency Converter
Assignment 4: Number Guessing game
Module 2: HTML , Servlets
Lesson 3: HTML Basics ,CSS , Servlets(1.5 Hrs)
HTML Basics – Elements – Attributes – Headings – Colors – CSS – links – images – tables – CSS – links – images – tables – Forms – Form Attributes – Form Elements
Lesson 4: Servlets(1.5 Hrs)
Servlet – Introduction – Life Cycle – Examples – Form Data – Client Request – Server Response – Http Codes – Writing Filters – Exceptions – Cookies Handling – Session Tracking – Database Access – File Uploading – Handling Date.
Assignment 5: Design a HTML web page for a hospital management system
Assignment 6 : Online Bus Reservation system on Java Servlet
Module 3: MySql , JDBC
Lesson 5: MySQL (1.5Hrs)
. MySQL – Introduction -Installation-Create Database-Drop database-MySQL – Data Types - Create Tables - Drop Tables - Insert Query - MySQL – Select Query - Where Clause - Update Query - Delete Query - Like Clause - Sorting Results - Using Join
Lesson 6: JDBC(1.5Hrs)
Introduction To JDBC - Jdbc Components - Driver Connections- JDBC Examples- JDBC Transactions.
Assignment 7: Bank Management System
Assignment 8: Food Delivary System
Module 4 : Java Applications:
Lesson 7: Projects Based On Cloud Computing(1.5 Hrs)
Erasure Coding – Public Auditing – Counselling Management System
Lesson 8 : Java Applications(1.5 Hrs):
Software Puzzle – Crime management system – Secure multi-owner data sharing
Module 5: Capstone Project(10 Hrs)
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