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Data Visualization Techniques

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After completing the course, automatically e-certificate will be generated for the participants.

Language: ENGLISH

Instructors: Nandhini

Validity Period: 45 days

₹999 20.02% OFF

₹799 including GST

Why this course?


This course helps the users to learn about various types of visualization libraries like Matplotlib and seaborn libraries and also apply the same in order to draw different types of  plots . In doing any AI ML tasks , data analysis plays a very important role. Features are extracted from the dataset and different types of plots are drawn using the matplotlib and seaborn library.

Key Learning Objectives: This will help the participants to gain a deeper understanding of the concepts and tools covered in the course and develop their skills in  using Matplotlib and Seaborn library for data analysis and data visualization.

Module 1: Matplotlib

  1. Matplotlib library – Introduction
  2. Matplotlib library –  Types of plots , bar plot, simple sine plot , line plot
  3. ​​​​​​​Matplotlib library – Subplots , Multiplot , SubplotoGrid function , Grids, Formatting axes

Module 2: Seaborn library

  1. Seaborn Library – Introduction , Different Types Of  Plots 
  2. Seaborn library – Dist Plot , Line Plot , Lmplot , Loading dataset
  3. Seaborn library – Styling and Themes in Seaborn , scatter plot 
  4. Seaborn Library – Different types of themes in seaborn library , setting the axes styles, despine function 
  5. Seaborn library – context , color palette, Plotting functions.

Module 3: Machine Learning Project

Heart Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning

Module 4: Assignments





Course Curriculum

How to Use

After successful purchase, this item would be added to your courses.You can access your courses in the following ways :

  • From the computer, you can access your courses after successful login
  • For other devices, you can access your library using this web app through browser of your device.
